Main Categories



    • Create or Open Support Ticket - Click here (customers with accounts)


    • If you don't have an account, Please follow these steps to Open an Account and Create a Support Ticket!

    step 1



    Step 2

    • Choose Your Product and Request Type.
    • Choosing these options helps the form to dynamically give you specific fields to fill in that will greatly assist the technician in reviewing your needs.

    Step 3



    • Submit Your Request.
    • Once you have completed your form -click Send - that's it.
    • Once you have submitted your ticket, you will receive an email notification with a link to the support case. Any updates or responses from Studica's team will also alert you via email. You can generally expect a response within 24 hours, however, keep in mind that our technicians work Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm EST (Toronto, Canada)