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    EMT skills training tools for: Basic Life Support and Cardiac Care, Airway and Breathing, Trauma Care, Vital Signs, and Pharmacological Interventions as well as Moulage, Injections, and Soft Skills.

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    Adult Nursing Manikin

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    Create realistic, interactive scenarios for practicing over 20 basic care procedures, including CPR, with the award-winning Adult Nursing Manikin. This life-sized adult manikin also meets current AHA CPR guidelines. It includes a feedback device that provides directed, specific, real-time coaching feedback on the rate and depth of chest compressions.



    • Life-sized Adult Nursing Manikin
    • Controller for CPR
    • Interchangeable female/male genitalia
    • Replacement arm skin
    • FAST-Fluid Management System
    • 22 gauge 1″ syringe and needle (3ml 22 g x 1″)
    • IV start kit, saline lock with extension, butterfly needle 22 gauge, IV needle 24 gauge (peripheral venous catheter needle)
    • Blood powder
    • Pajamas
    • 1-year limited warranty
    • Curriculum

    Trauma Wound Simulation Suit

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    Use this wearable Trauma Wound Simulation Suit and included curriculum to create realistic scenarios. Students can practice handling a bleeding trauma emergency as well as communicating with a bleeding patient.

    This one-of-a-kind Trauma Wound Simulation Suit features four built-in wounds:
    • Bleeding junctional wound
    • Non-bleeding sucking chest wound
    • Bleeding gunshot wound
    • Bleeding laceration wound


    • Trauma Wound Sim Suit with gunshot wound, junctional wound, sucking chest wound and laceration wound
    • Blood powder
    • Online access to curriculum
    • Quick start guide
    • Storage case
    • 1-year limited warranty

    Spine Board w/ Strap Sets

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    Use our Spine Board and Strap Sets to provide hands-on practice immobilizing supine patients. This product comes with both nylon straps and a spider strap system.



    • Can lift up to 400 pounds
    • Includes 18 handholds and 8 pins for a variety of strapping needs

    Pediatric Nursing Manikin

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    This medium-fidelity Pediatric Nursing Manikin is the size of a 3-year-old. It meets current AHA CPR guidelines, as it provides directed, specific, real-time coaching feedback on the rate and depth of chest compressions. In addition to practicing Basic Life Support (BLS), students can use this pediatric nursing manikin to perform over a dozen nursing procedures providing valuable patient clinical skills training.



    • Life-sized Pediatric Nursing Manikin
    • Storage/carrying case
    • Controller for CPR
    • Interchangeable female/male genitalia
    • IV arm
    • Butterfly needle: 21-gauge, ¾”
    • Catheter: Pediatric straight, 8Fr
    • Intramuscular injection needle: 21-gauge, 5 mL
    • FAST-Fluid™ Management System
    • Blood powder
    • Pajamas
    • 1-year limited warranty
    • Online access to curriculum
    • Quick Start Guide

    Closed Fracture Trauma Manikin

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    Give your students hands-on opportunities with palpating, manipulating and immobilizing closed fractures with our Closed Fracture Trauma Manikin. Additionally, use this multipurpose manikin to teach 11 other key nursing skills, from intramuscular injections to ostomy care. The included curriculum completes the experience for both instructors and students.



    • Pajamas
    • Jaw trauma wound
    • Combined splint
    • Forearm sling
    • Neck brace
    • Bandages
    • 1-year limited warranty
    • Online access to curriculum
    • Quick start guide

    Airway Suction Trainer

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    Use this lifelike Airway Suction Trainer to give students hands-on opportunities practicing proper airway suction and suction catheter insertion techniques. The trainer offers 3 practice sites: the nasal cavity, the oral cavity, as well as the tracheostomy site. Additionally, the transparent plate gives a view of the internal anatomy during suction procedures. The included curriculum completes the experience for both instructors and students.



    • Airway Suction Model with removeable side
    • Lubricant (also acts as simulated sputum)
    • Transparent plate
    • Nasal suction catheter
    • Tracheostomy suction catheter
    • Quick start guide
    • 1-year limited warranty
    • Online access to curriculum

    BVM Ventilation Trainer

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    Use the BVM Ventilation Trainer to teach proper techniques for manual ventilation with a bag valve mask, as well as oxygen administration via a non-rebreather mask. This innovative trainer also gives students experience with CPR and BVM ventilation of an apneic adult patient with one- and two-rescuer techniques. The controller and software provide real-time feedback by displaying ventilation parameters, including rate and volume.




    • BVM Trainer Torso 
    • Controller 
    • Adult bag valve mask 
    • Storage case 
    • 1-year limited warranty 
    • Online access to curriculum 

    Auscultation Trainer

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    Use the award-winning Auscultation Trainer to teach students correct stethoscope placement as well as how to accurately recognize heart, lung, and bowel sounds. The three components of this unique trainer make practice scenarios realistic and customizable: the torso, RealityScope, and tablet with app. The clear torso details major organs for easy auscultation site identification. The RealityScope connects to any stethoscope to let students hear heart, lung, and bowel sounds when placed over a corresponding auscultation site. The tablet includes an app programmed with 21 sounds and over 40 scenarios. This enables instructors to create specific practice sessions as needed. For added realism, each sound is an actual recording engineered to sound correct through the stethoscope. Sounds play only when students move the RealityScope over a precise auscultation site and apply the correct pressure. Students can also practice rib palpation through the included skin overlay. 




    Auscultation Trainer Package Contents:


    • Auscultation Trainer torso
    • Tablet with app
    • RealityScope (stethoscope attachment)
    • Storage case
    • 1-year limited warranty
    • Online access to Introduction to Auscultation curriculum

    Advanced Airway Intubation Simulator

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    This Advanced Airway Intubation Simulator was designed for demonstrating and practicing proper endotracheal intubation procedures. It has a movable head and neck to give students a lifelike feel and has a side view of the head, neck, chest for additional instruction. The simulator has acoustic signals for excessive pressure on front teeth and incorrect placement of the tube in the esophagus.

    AED Trainer

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    Emphasize safety when teaching Basic Life Support (BLS) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) skills with our AED Trainer. This easy-to-operate tool simulates AED procedures without using high-tension shock defibrillation. The software features 9 built-in scenarios that simulate different emergency situations. Additionally, the included curriculum emphasizes cardiac arrest management and AED usage techniques.



    • AED Trainer
    • Storage/carrying case
    • 2 Adult AED training pads
    • 2 Pediatric AED training pads
    • Remote control
    • Battery set
    • Power cord
    • Quick start guide
    • 1 Year limited warranty
    • Online access to curriculum

    Blood Pressure Simulator

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    This one-of-a-kind training tool is used to teach and practice proper techniques for taking blood pressure prior to actual clinical experience. This wearable simulator distinguishes blood pressure sounds and Korotkoff phases and can be used with standardized patients or manikins to make practice scenarios even more realistic. Watch the video below for more information:

    ECG Simulator

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    Use this award-winning one-of-a-kind ECG Simulator to teach accurate placement of ECG/EKG leads on the body through rib palpation; how to read 3-, 4-, 5- and 12-lead rhythms; and how to recognize those rhythms on screen and in hard copy. The accompanying software provides individual practice and assessment opportunities on rhythm reading and lead placement, while the included curriculum addresses methods for mitigating commonly read errors. Additionally, students can use our ECG Simulator to prepare for Domains 2 and 3 of the Certified EKG Technician exam.

    Epinephrine Training Kit

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    Use our Epinephrine Training Kit to create realistic practice scenarios in which groups of students can practice administering epinephrine.

    Industrial Burns Kit

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    Bring realism to low- or high-fidelity practice scenarios with the four realistic, durable Industrial Burns Kit moulage wounds in this one-of-a-kind kit. Use the wounds on students, standardized patients, as well as manikins to practice cleaning and treating common industrial burns. Easily remove the burns with soap and water. Additionally, the included curriculum completes the experience for both instructors and students.

    Infant Skin Conditions Light Colors

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    The Infant Skin Conditions Kit is a one-of-a-kind training tool that includes 8 realistic models of common infant skin conditions. Users can adhere the models to manikin skin and examine the detailed tissue. This set includes chickenpox, diaper rash, cradle cap, eczema, contact dermatitis, baby acne, and hives, as well as roseola. Additionally, incorporate the included curriculum for a complete experience. Kits are available in light and medium skin tones.


    Not intended for use with RealCare Baby.

    Naloxone Training Kit

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    Use our Naloxone Training Kit to create realistic practice scenarios in which students can practice administering naloxone to patients in groups. This convenient package includes enough intranasal trainers for four students to simultaneously practice intranasal administration. Additionally, it contains enough naloxone injection packs to have ten students practicing intramuscular injection administration at a time. The included curriculum completes the experience for both instructors and students.


    • 4 naloxone intranasal trainers (reusable)
    • Large Injection Pad
    • Naloxone Injection Supply Pack
      • 10 safety needles
      • 10 3-cc syringes
      • 10 simulation naloxone vials
      • 10 cloth bandages
      • 20 alcohol pads
    • Online access to curriculum
    • Storage case
    • 1-Year limited warranty

    Pressure Injury Simulation Kit

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    The Pressure Injury Simulation Kit (formerly known as Decubitus Ulcer Simulation Kit) is a hands-on treatment simulator. It contains realistic, lifelike models of stages 1 through 4 pressure injuries as well as one heel wound pressure injury. The injury models are pliable and lifelike and can be placed on human or manikin skin. Additionally, incorporate the included curriculum for a complete experience.

    Realityworks Large Injection Pad

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    The Large Injection Pad features a realistic shape that divides into three layers: skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle. It allows students to see a “bleb” or “wheal.” Use these injection training models to help your students develop key nursing skills.

    The Large Injection Pad includes:

    • Injection pad on fluid collection tray
    • Curriculum
    • 90-day limited warranty

    Realityworks Upper Arm Intramuscular Injection Simulator

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    Use the Upper Arm Intramuscular Injection Simulator with students to practice administering upper arm intramuscular injections. This training tool gives instant feedback through lights that indicate whether the injection location and depth are correct. Additionally, incorporate the included curriculum for a complete experience.

    Realityworks Geriatric Skin Conditions Simulation Set (Skin Conditions Only)

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    he Geriatric Skin Conditions Simulation Set is a one-of-a-kind aging skin condition training tool. This kit includes 9 realistic models of common geriatric skin conditions. Students can adhere these models to human as well as manikin skin and examine the detailed tissue.

    Wearable Auscultation Trainer

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    This Wearable Auscultation Trainer lets students practice rib palpation, stethoscope placement, and sound recognition as well as patient care skills. Worn by students, standardized patients or manikins, this trainer provides a variety of skills training opportunities. Students will hear all heart, lung and bowel auscultation sounds engineered to sound correct through a stethoscope. Use the tablet and app to customize practice and assessment sessions.

    Splints and Braces Supply Pack

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    Use this comprehensive Splints and Braces Supply Pack to create hands-on opportunities for large groups. This supply pack includes enough materials for multiple students to practice common immobilization and splinting techniques simultaneously. The splints and braces are ideal for use on students, standardized patients, or medical manikins. Additionally, the included curriculum completes the experience for both instructors and their students.


    5-piece Rapid Splint Kit

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    Use the 5-piece Rapid Splint Kit to teach EMT and other medical personnel fast and effective splinting techniques in emergency applications.

    This splint kit includes:

    • Child Leg Splint
    • Small Adult Leg Splint
    • Large Adult Leg Splint
    • Small Adult Arm Splint
    • Large Adult Arm Splint

    The 5-piece Rapid Splint Kit is also a part of the Splints and Braces Supply Kit.

    EMT Scenario Cards

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    These pathway/occupation-specific workplace scenario cards cover real-world situations in EMT careers. Use these cards to develop soft skills within specific occupations through small-group discussions, as a large-group icebreaker or as an individual challenge.


    Use the program to:


    • Supplement existing employability skills
    • Teach a complete unit on skills
    • Generate real-life discussions
    • Prompt reflection activities
    • Generate ice-breaker activities