This is ONLY the motor that is featured in the NeveRest Series gearmotors. This motor has a pinion gear pre-installed that interfaces with either our NeveRest Classic gearboxes (12T) or our NeveRest Orbital gearboxes (17T). To produce a reasonable amount of torque for either driving your robot or moving a mechanism you will need one of the following gearboxes.The power cable which feeds into the black encoder housing has two different options that are already crimped to the end of the cable. (select your needs above):
12 tooth pinion gear options: am-3104 & am-3104b are compatible with CLASSIC Gearboxes and replacements on CLASSIC Gearmotors:
17 tooth pinion gear options: am-3104_17t & am-3104b_17t Compatible With ORBITAL Gearboxes:
FRC/FTC Legality:
Encoder Cable options:Encoder cables are not included with this motor, and are sold separately. We have three options:
Encoder:The hall effect encoder mounted on the back of this motor provides 28 pulses per revolution (ppr).Use in a BaneBots Gearbox:This motor can be attached to a NeveRest Sport series gearboxes. Watch this video for step by step instruction on a similar gearbox, and reference this document for steps on using it with the NeveRest Sport.
am-3104_17t Gear Details