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    Wire Management

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    F6 Flexible 1/2" Self-Wrap Split Braided Sleeving, 10ft section

    $15,38 $17,36
    (En stock)

    F6's unique split, semi-rigid braided construction makes it the ideal solution for situations where ease of installation is of primary importance. The lateral split allows the tube to open up to accommodate a wide variety of bundling requirements, and the semi-rigid braid configuration simply closes around the entire installation without the need for any additional fasteners (velcro, tape, etc.) The 10 mil PET braid is lightweight, quiet and flexible. The 25% edge overlap (at nominal diameter) allows coverage around inline plugs, connectors and splices. F6 will bend to a tight radius without distorting or splitting open and, unlike full rigid tubing, will not impair or affect the flexibility of harnesses.

    Rubber Grommet (10 pack)

    $8,44 $8,32
    (En stock)

    Rubber Grommets are made for the Studica channel and plates and or any structure with a 14mm hole. Use it for protecting wire or as a bumper.


    • Outside diameter: 18mm
    • Inside Diameter : 11mm
    • Hole fitting diameter: 14mm
    • Thickness: 9mm
    • Step File

    Silicone Rubber Tubing

    $5,62 $5,54

    Used with the Intake Kit to create various intake system with various lengths.

    • ID: 6mm
    • OD: 10mm
    • 1000mm long
    • Wall Thickness: 2mm
    • Flexible
    • Bend Radius: ~30mm
    • Silicone
    • Durometer: 70A
    • Black
    • Step File