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    RealCare® Baby Student IDs - 2 Pack

    ( 3 En stock)

    The touchless RealCare Baby® Student ID slides easily onto tamperproof wristband. This ID sensor allows students to interact with RealCare Baby II, RealCare Baby II plus, and RealCare Baby 3. They are available in both 2-packs and 10-packs.

    3 Animal Reproductive Bundle (Cow, Horse, and Pig Uteri)

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    3 Large Animal Bundle (Cow, Pig, Horse)

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    4 Large Animal Bundle (Cow, Pig, Horse, Chicken)

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    5 Baby Mobile Storage and Charging Case

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    Secure, portable soft-sided case for up to five RealCare Baby infant simulators and supplies.

    RealCare Baby® Accessory Package (Car Seat, Diaper Bag, Blanket)

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    Bundle RealCare Baby® accessories together and save! Combine the car seat/carrier with the detection kit, as well as the blanket and diaper bag. Bring these items together to make a more realistic Baby simulation.

    Accessory Package Small (Infant Soft Carrier, Diaper Bag & Blanket)

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    Simulatrice avancée d’intubation des voies respiratoires

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    Ce simulateur avancé d’intubation des voies respiratoires a été conçu pour démontrer et pratiquer les procédures d’intubation endotrachéale appropriées. Il a une tête et un cou mobiles pour donner aux élèves une sensation de réalisme et a une vue latérale de la tête, du cou et de la poitrine pour des instructions supplémentaires. Le simulateur dispose de signaux acoustiques indiquant une pression excessive sur les dents de devant et un mauvais placement du tube dans l’œsophage.

    AED Trainer

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    Emphasize safety when teaching Basic Life Support (BLS) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) skills with our AED Trainer. This easy-to-operate tool simulates AED procedures without using high-tension shock defibrillation. The software features 9 built-in scenarios that simulate different emergency situations. Additionally, the included curriculum emphasizes cardiac arrest management and AED usage techniques.



    • AED Trainer
    • Storage/carrying case
    • 2 Adult AED training pads
    • 2 Pediatric AED training pads
    • Remote control
    • Battery set
    • Power cord
    • Quick start guide
    • 1 Year limited warranty
    • Online access to curriculum

    Animal Systems Package 2

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    The Animal Systems 2 Package is one of three complete solutions for starting or building an agriculture pathway program. This package includes 27 hands-on resources as well as curricula, presentation slides, activities, and assessments.

    Bandaging and Wound Care Simulator

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    Use the Bandaging and Wound Care Simulator to teach the basic skills of bandaging, dressing and wound care. It features 16 different wounds, a guide for identification and curriculum and presentation slides for further education.

    BARN YARD PACKAGE (Cow, Pig, Horse, Chicken, Cow Ruminant, Pig Stomach, Horse Stomach)

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    Beef and Pork 3D Meat Cuts Poster

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    This Beef & Pork 3D Meat Cuts Poster represents primal beef and pork meat cuts in realistic, full-color details. It contours to the shape of the animal and represents the most common cuts of beef and pork.rk.

    RealCare Birth Model Set (3 piece)

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    Educate students on the stages of birth from the first contractions through delivery of the placenta with these life-size, hands-on models of each stage of labor. The Birth Model Set presents an in-depth look at labor initiation, Stages 1-3 of labor, postpartum depression and pregnancy complications.

    Kit includes:

    • 3 piece set of birthing models
    • Birth Process curriculum

    RealCare Baby® Receiving Blanket

    (En stock)

    This 30 x 35-inch receiving blanket protects RealCare Baby®‘s vinyl from stains and is machine washable.

    Blood Pressure Simulator

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    This one-of-a-kind training tool is used to teach and practice proper techniques for taking blood pressure prior to actual clinical experience. This wearable simulator distinguishes blood pressure sounds and Korotkoff phases and can be used with standardized patients or manikins to make practice scenarios even more realistic. Watch the video below for more information: