BRAND NEW NEXT-GENERATION SENSOR NOW AVAILABLE - leveraging new sensors and state-of-the-art algorithms to deliver a leap forward in accuracy and performance.
“Generation 2” navX2-MXP is a drop-in replacement for “Classic” navX-MXP, adding significant performance enhancements. See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information about navX2-MXP's new and enhanced capabilities.
Step File
Key specifications include:
Many capabilities:
What's New and Improved in navX2-MXP
More technical details are available in the navX2 MXP technical specifications and there's even more information at navX2-MXP Online.
Software Install:
WPILib Online Install Link:
WPILib Offline Install, once downloaded, extract the contents into C:\Users\Public\wpilib\2023\ on windows or ~/wpilib/2023/ on Linux and macOS.