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    PCNC 440 Premium Package

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    Take the PCNC 440 Starter Package, add the convenience of a power drawbar, safety and cleanliness of an enclosure, chip clearing via flood coolant, and the TTS™ CNC Operator Set.



    • PCNC 440 Mill
    • Machine Owner's Kit for PCNC 440
    • PCNC 440 Stand
    • PCNC 440 Chip Pan
    • PCNC 440 Enclosure Kit
    • Machine Way Oil (1 Gallon)
    • PathPilot Controller for 15L Lathe and PCNC Mills
    • Standard LCD Monitor
    • Waterproof Mini-Keyboard
    • Jog Shuttle Controller
    • Waterproof Mouse
    • Controller Arm
    • Flood Coolant Kit for PCNC 440
    • QualiChem XTREME CUT 251C
    • PCNC 440 Power Drawbar Kit
    • 4 in. CNC Vise
    • Clamp Kit for 3/8 in. T-Slots (58 Pcs.)
    • TTS™ CNC Operator Set with Tormach Tool Assistant
    • Cutting Tool Starter Set #2


    Note: This item will incur additional freight charges that will be quoted.

    Tormach 1100M CNC MILL - Premium Package

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    The 1100M Premium Package build on the Standard Package by boosting performance with an automatic tool changer, active probe, and electronic tool setter, you’ll be CNC milling in style with your very own 1100M.




    Tormach 1100M - Compact 3-Axis CNC mill with PathPilot controller

    TTS Adapter Collet: R8

    1100M Machine Owner's Kit

    1100M / 1100MX Stand

    1100M Chip Tray

    Manual Oil Pump

    1100M Enclosure Kit

    Lifting Bar Kit

    Machine Way Oil (1 Gallon)

    FogBuster Coolant Kit (230 Vac) for 1100M/1100MX

    DuraKut 9000B Mist Coolant

    PathPilot Controller - Rev. C

    Touch Screen Kit

    Waterproof Mouse

    Waterproof Mini-Keyboard

    Jog Shuttle Controller

    Controller Arm

    Power Drawbar Kit for 1100M / 770M

    Automatic Tool Changer for the 1100M

    Passive Probe Kit

    Electronic Tool Setter

    5 in. (127 mm) CNC Vise

    TTS™ CNC Operator Set with Tormach Tool Assistant

    End Mill Kit for Aluminum #1



    Tormach® 770M CNC MILL - Premium Package

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    The 770M Premium Package build on the Standard Package by boosting performance with an automatic tool changer, active probe, and electronic tool setter, you’ll be CNC milling in style with your very own 770M.




    770M Mill

    770M Machine Owner's Kit

    770MX / 770M Stand

    770M Chip Tray

    Manual Oil Pump

    770M Enclosure Kit

    PathPilot Controller - Rev. C

    Touch Screen Kit

    Waterproof Mouse

    Waterproof Mini-Keyboard

    Jog Shuttle Controller

    Controller Arm

    Power Drawbar Kit for 1100M / 770M

    Automatic Tool Changer for the 770M

    Passive Probe Kit

    Electronic Tool Setter

    5 in. (127 mm) CNC Vise

    End Mill Kit for Aluminum #1

    TTS™ CNC Operator Set with Tormach Tool Assistant

    Lifting Bar Kit

    FogBuster Coolant Kit (115 Vac) for 770M/770MX

    DuraKut 9000B Mist Coolant

    Machine Way Oil (1 Gallon)


    Tormach xsTECH Router

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    ( 19 En stock)

    The xsTECH Router is a desktop CNC ready to use out of the box. It's small enough to fit in a craftroom or makerspace, and it's capable enough to cuts all manners of plastics, woods, and even aluminum.


    The see-through enclosure offers safe use and controls dust that can muck up your space and electronics.


    This product is evaluated to the Model Code SPE-1000 and is ESA/CSA approved according to National Standards, for use in Canada when purchased through Studica.





    Concussion Education Kit

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    Use the Concussion Education Kit to help students understand the effects of a concussion, how a concussion can feel, and how to treat and prevent concussions. This interactive kit has supplies for up to 10 students to experience a concussion simulation simultaneously. Additionally, it includes NATA-aligned lesson plans, a poster set and a Brain and Cerebral Arteries Model.


    Package Includes:


    “Traumatic Brain Injury” Concussion Simulation Experience (10 student kits)
    Concussion Simulation Glasses
    Headphones & mp3 player
    Storage case
    Brain and Cerebral Arteries Model
    2 posters (Anatomy of a Brain During Concussion and Signs and Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury)
    Soft-sided storage case
    Downloadable curriculum
    1-year limited warranty

    Simulatrice avancée d’intubation des voies respiratoires

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    (En stock)

    Ce simulateur avancé d’intubation des voies respiratoires a été conçu pour démontrer et pratiquer les procédures d’intubation endotrachéale appropriées. Il a une tête et un cou mobiles pour donner aux élèves une sensation de réalisme et a une vue latérale de la tête, du cou et de la poitrine pour des instructions supplémentaires. Le simulateur dispose de signaux acoustiques indiquant une pression excessive sur les dents de devant et un mauvais placement du tube dans l’œsophage.

    AED Trainer

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    Emphasize safety when teaching Basic Life Support (BLS) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) skills with our AED Trainer. This easy-to-operate tool simulates AED procedures without using high-tension shock defibrillation. The software features 9 built-in scenarios that simulate different emergency situations. Additionally, the included curriculum emphasizes cardiac arrest management and AED usage techniques.



    • AED Trainer
    • Storage/carrying case
    • 2 Adult AED training pads
    • 2 Pediatric AED training pads
    • Remote control
    • Battery set
    • Power cord
    • Quick start guide
    • 1 Year limited warranty
    • Online access to curriculum

    RealCareer Bend Tester

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    How do you conduct a bend test? How do you qualify a bend-tested weld? Why is such knowledge important to potential employers? Answer these questions and more with the RealCareer Bend Tester and curriculum. Designed with education in mind, this 8-ton hydraulic, manual-guided bend test fixture allows educators to conduct destructive weld testing in a classroom or welding lab. Comprehensive curriculum, classroom posters and supporting materials are included.



    Additional Shipping Info.


    NOTE: This product ships fully assembled on a pallet and requires a shipping dock. If you do not have a dock available, the order will need to incur an additional $125 fee for a lift gate truck. Please select the lift gate option for you organization.

    Employability Skills Program

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    (En stock)

    The RealCareer Employability Skills Program is an engaging, easy-to-implement program that uses hands-on activities and real-world applications to teach students 20 soft skills, from communication and interpersonal skills to time management and responsibility.

    Use the program to:

    • Supplement existing employability skills program
    • Teach a complete unit on employability skills
    • Generate real-life discussions
    • Prompt reflection activities like journal-writing
    • Generate ice-breaker activities

    Target Audience:

    • High school students
    • Post-secondary students
    • Workforce development programs


    Food Safety Kit

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    ( 2 En stock)

    The RealCareer Food Safety Kit covers basic foodsafety and handling techniques that can be used in culinary occupations or at home. The curriculum integrates hands-on activities and components for up to six small groups to be working on activities simultaneously. The kit can be used to address: basic food safety, proper handwashing techniques, common pathogens, foodborne illnesses, foodsupply chain, safe temperatures, food handling techniques, cross-contamination prevention along with culinary and food service careers.

    Geriatric Medication Management Simulation Kit

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    (En stock)

    The Geriatric Medication Management Simulation Kit is a one-of-a-kind learning aid designed to help students build empathy and understanding of the challenges experienced by the elderly who have multiple medications to manage. Intended as a class activity, the kit enables users to experience a loss of tactile sensation and visual impairments while trying to manage several prescriptions.

    Greenhouse Insects Model Kit

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    The eight oversized models in this portable Greenhouse Insects Kit represent adult greenhouse insects in realistic, full-color detail. Use the models and accompanying curriculum (including flashcards) to help students identify larva and adult insects. Additionally, teach them about the damage insects can do to greenhouses and learn how to protect plants from common problems.




    • 8 detailed models:
      • Aphid
      • Fungus gnat
      • Mealybug
      • Leafminer
      • Greenhouse whitefly
      • Shore fly
      • Two-spotted spider mite
      • Thrip
    • Flashcards
    • Online access to curriculum
    • 1-year limited warranty

    guideWELD VR Welding Simulator - 1 Unit (available as SMAW or GMAW Option)

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    Implementing the guideWELD® VR welding simulator enables users to refine basic welding skills. They also learn proper welding techniques and explore welding career paths while saving on costly consumables. The welding simulator provides immediate feedback on work angle, travel angle, speed, nozzle-to-plate distance, and straightness.





    • guideWELD VR workstation with interchangeable GMAW (MIG) and/or SMAW (Stick) welding simulator gun
    • 3 welding joints (tee, lap, butt)
    • Actual Welding gloves included
    • Online access to: guideWELD VR curriculum (3 units, 13 lessons – over 25 hours of curriculum and assessment), Administrator Guide, Instructor User Guide, Student User Guide, Quick Start Guide, Product software

    *Welding helmet not included


    • Online access to download
    • Download directly to a server or individual computers

    Food Truck Design Kit

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    The Food Truck Design Kit provides a hands-on design experience for students tasked with building a food truck business. This interactive tool allows for optimal student interaction and learning while planning all aspects of a food truck business. It includes enough hands-on lab activities and lesson plans to teach a 3-week unit on food truck entrepreneurship. It can also supplement any textbook or curriculum already in use. The included curriculum addresses marketing, budgeting, menu development and other essential topics.

    Kitchen Safety Kit


    Use our Kitchen Safety Kit to introduce basic kitchen safety concepts and techniques to your students in an easy-to-use, one-week unit. The kit works with any textbook or curriculum already in use. It includes activity cards, posters and hands-on activities that address sanitation, knife safety and hazard prevention and assessment. Use this kit to organize up to six simultaneous kitchen labs or offer individual kitchen safety practice opportunities.

    Food Science and Nutrition Lab Kit


    Our unique Food Science and Nutrition Lab Kit introduces students to food science and nutrition concepts. The kit includes lab materials, student workbooksscenario cards, posters, as well as a comprehensive curriculum, based on national FCS standards, to provide hands-on activities and thought-provoking scenarios.