toutes catégories

    Sports Medicine Career Scenario Cards

    Employability Skills Scenario Cards


    These pathway/occupation-specific workplace scenario cards cover real-world situations in sports medicine careers. Use these cards to develop soft skills within specific occupations through small-group discussions, as a large-group icebreaker or as an individual challenge.


    Use the program to:


    • Supplement existing employability skills
    • Teach a complete unit on skills
    • Generate real-life discussions
    • Prompt reflection activities
    • Generate ice-breaker activities
    # Pièce: 11120322
    Demander un devis


    • Card dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • 21 cards
    • 19 scenarios
    Écrivez votre propre commentaire
    • Le produit peut être examinée que après l'achat
    • Seul les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent écrire une critique
    • Mal
    • Excellent


    • Card dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • 21 cards
    • 19 scenarios