- Technical Documentation & Software Downloads - Here you can find resource material for education, installation, getting started, sample code, tutorials, product knowledge and much more.
- Studica Robotics 3D CAD Files - For anyone designing their robot or automation system using our Studica Robotics Construction Set, you can find all the 3D Step Files here (Patented). You can use solid modelling software such as PTC Onshape, Solidworks, and Fusion 360 to open and work with these files.
Training Videos
1 - Mobile Robotics VMX/Titan Workshop Kit Training This is a general introduction on building an autonomous mobile robot using the Studica Robotics Building System. The product used for this training is the Mobile Robotics VMX/Titan Workshop Kit Use this first before moving to other training programs. |
- Day 1 - Getting started - 3:00:00
- Getting started
- Competition Overview and Requirements
- Introduction to the World Skills Collection
- Hardware Construction Tips and Tricks
- Day 2 - Building a basic robot - 2:57:00
- Mechanical Build
- Base Structure (Drive System)
- Drive Type and Working Principles
- 3 wheeled omni drive build
- Sample Training Platform
- Electrical build
- Sample wiring of the Electrical System
- Day 3 - Programming in Java - 2:50:00
- Day 4 - Core Programming - 2:59:00
- Creating a Sample Project (Java)
- Basic Digital I/O
- Cobra Line Sensor Board
- Sharp I/R Sensor
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
- Basic Control of a DC Motor
- Basic Control of a Servo Motor
- Adding the Shuffleboard user Interface to see data
- Day 5 - Design of a Basic Robot Control System - 2:33:00
- Introduction to Programming the IMU (NavX)
- Gamepad Setup to Control and test robot functionality.
- Introduction to Vision with the SR Camera
- Introduction to the Quick Driver Console
- Driving the Base Robo
- Review of Configuring the Titan QUAD
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2 - Building a basic Autonomous Mobile Robot A webinar series on building a basic autonomous mobile robot using the Studica Robotics building system. Here you will build a basic autonomous mobile robot. - Day 1 - Chassis, Motor mounting, Structure, Wheels - 1:10:00
- Day 2 - Elevator Mechanism, Lift, Servos - 1:24:00
- Day 3 - Electrical, Sensors, Wiring, Control System - 2:36:00
- Day 4 - Programming, Libraries, Software Tools, Driver Station, Autonomous Routines - 2:52:20
- Step file for completed robot
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3 - Reading a QR Code with the VMX Controller
This is a series of videos that goes over how to read a barcode or QR code with the VMX.