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    Spacers & Washers

    Spacers & Washers

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    550 Vent Plate Spacer

    $7.69 $8.68
    (In stock)

    This product is designed to be placed between a high power 550 motor and the motor mount plate of a gearbox. It allows air to enter from the side and pass through the motor via the vent holes in the front face of the motor. Allowing this airflow typically requires machine time and customization of gearboxes. This simple lightweight spacer is the perfect solution for motor preservation.


    • When installing a motor to a gearbox motor plate, first place this spacer over the nose of the motor. Line the outer circle of holes in the spacer with the mounting holes of your 550 motor. Secure the the gearbox motor plate to the motor like normal.


    • Material: 6061 Aluminum
    • Thickness: 0.06 in.
    • 4 holes 0.124 in. diameter on a 0.984 in. circle
    • Weight: 0.002 lbs

    57 & CIM Sport Gearbox Face Mount Spacer

    $7.69 $8.68
    ( 6 In stock)

    This spacer attaches to the front of a CIM Sport or 57 Sport gearbox to allow for easy face mounting. This spacer makes the mounting face of the gearbox flush across the entire front of the gearbox.

    To use, remove the 2 shorter 10-32 screws on the face of the gearbox and place the corner cutouts of this spacer around the heads of the longer bolts that are still on the gearbox. Mount the gearbox to a plate by drilling 2x 0.201" holes, 2 inches apart and a larger hole between these 2 for the output shaft to pass through. Attach the gearbox to your plate by replacing the short 10-32 screws with screws long enough to pass through your chosen plate, this spacer, and thread into the gearbox. 


    • Width: 1.75 in.
    • Height: 1.75 in.
    • Thickness: 0.25 in.
    • Material: Aluminum
    • Weight: 0.02 Pounds

    775 Vent Plate Space

    $12.00 $8.68
    (In stock)

    This product is designed to be placed between an AndyMark RedLine Motor (am-3775) or high power 775 motor and the mount plate of a gearbox. It allows air to enter from the side and pass through the motor via the vent holes in the front face of the motor. Allowing this airflow typically requires machine time and customization of gearboxes. This simple lightweight spacer is the perfect solution for motor preservation. 


    • When installing a motor to a gearbox motor plate, first place this spacer over the nose of the motor. Line the outer circle of holes in the spacer with the mounting holes of your 775 motor. Secure the the gearbox motor plate to the motor. 


    • Material: 5052 Aluminum
    • Thickness: 0.06 in.
    • 4 holes 0.165 in. diameter on a 1.14 in. circle
    • Weight: 0.002 lbs

    Aluminum Spacer 0.75 x 0.382 x 0.625 in.

    $2.31 $2.61
    (In stock)


    • Length: 0.75 in.
    • Inside Diameter: 0.382 in.
    • Outside Diameter: 0.625 in.
    • Material: 6061-T6 Aluminum
    • Weight: 0.01 Pounds

    Aluminum Spacer 1.1 in.

    $3.08 $3.47
    (In stock)

    1.1" Long Aluminum Spacer. Used in the Swerve and Steer.


    • Length: 1.1 in.
    • Outside diameter: 0.31 in.
    • Inside diameter: 0.26 in.
    • Material: 6061 Aluminum
    • Weight: 0.002 Pounds

    AM Shifter Spacer

    $4.61 $5.21
    (In stock)

    2.6" long aluminum spacer used in the AM Shifter


    • Length: 2.6"
    • Outside diameter: 0.5"
    • Inside diameter: 0.26"
    • Material: 6061 Aluminum
    • Weight: 0.04 Lb

    Arm Joint Spacer

    $12.30 $13.89
    (In stock)

    The Spacer used in the PVC Arm Joint


    • Length: 5"
    • Thickness: 0.1 in
    • Height: 2.375"
    • Weight: 0.12 lbs
    • Material: aluminium

    Bushing, Bronze, 5/16" id, 0.50" od, 0.50" long

    $3.08 $3.47
    (In stock)

    This is the bronze bushing (and spacer!) used in the Worm Gearbox (am-0917).


    • Weight: 0.013 pounds
    • Material: Bronze
    • Inside Diameter: 5/16"
    • Outside Diameter: 0.5"
    • Length: 0.5"

    CIM Spacer 125

    $7.69 $8.68
    (In stock)

    This nifty 1/8" thick spacer is for mounting CIM motors to gearboxes which may need clearance for protruding bearings or other things that are in the way.


    • Material: Aluminum
    • Thickness: 0.125"
    • Weight: 0.014 Lbs

    CIM Sport Side Mount Spacer

    $11.54 $13.03
    (In stock)

    This spacer attaches to a side of the CIM Sport Gearbox. This spacer accounts for the difference in size between the CIM Motor and the gearbox housing, allowing the gearbox to be side mounted to a surface. The holes are sized to be counterbore for 10-32 socket head screws so the plate can be held to the gearbox with some screws and used as a spacer for other longer bolts to pass through it and thread into the side of the CIM Sport. 


    • Width: 1.5 in.
    • Height: 1.5 in.
    • Thickness: 0.33 in.
    • Material: Aluminum
    • Weight: 0.058 Pounds

    Hex Molded Spacers 3/8 inch Hex, 0.063 inch length

    (In stock)
    Whether you are building an elite custom drivetrain or a championship manipulator, you need your components to stay where they're supposed to. These lightweight spacers come in 3/8" and 1/2" hex bores to accommodate the most common shaft types. If you need to space a lot grab some 1" spacers. If you need ultimate precision pick up some 0.063" spacers. Not sure which spacers you need? Keep a handful of all six sizes in your shop and never go hungry for spacers again! These spacers are molded in black polycarbonate, a tough, crack resistant material that FIRST teams are familiar with. These spacers should resist stress cracking. If polycarbonate isn't rugged enough for your high load application or you need custom length spacers, check out our Aluminum Hex Spacer Extrusion.

    Hex Molded Spacers 3/8 inch Hex, 0.125 inch length

    $0.92 $1.04
    (In stock)

    Whether you are building an elite custom drivetrain or a championship manipulator, you need your components to stay where they're supposed to. These lightweight spacers come in 3/8" and 1/2" hex bores to accommodate the most common shaft types. If you need to space a lot grab some 1" spacers. If you need ultimate precision pick up some 0.063" spacers. Not sure which spacers you need? Keep a handful of all six sizes in your shop and never go hungry for spacers again! These spacers are molded in black polycarbonate, a tough, crack resistant material that FIRST teams are familiar with. These spacers should resist stress cracking. If polycarbonate isn't rugged enough for your high load application or you need custom length spacers, check out our Aluminum Hex Spacer Extrusion.

    Hex Molded Spacers 3/8 inch Hex, 0.188 inch length

    $0.92 $1.04
    (In stock)

    Whether you are building an elite custom drivetrain or a championship manipulator, you need your components to stay where they're supposed to. These lightweight spacers come in 3/8" and 1/2" hex bores to accommodate the most common shaft types. If you need to space a lot grab some 1" spacers. If you need ultimate precision pick up some 0.063" spacers. Not sure which spacers you need? Keep a handful of all six sizes in your shop and never go hungry for spacers again! These spacers are molded in black polycarbonate, a tough, crack resistant material that FIRST teams are familiar with. These spacers should resist stress cracking. If polycarbonate isn't rugged enough for your high load application or you need custom length spacers, check out our Aluminum Hex Spacer Extrusion.

    Hex Molded Spacers 3/8 inch Hex, 0.250 inch length

    $0.92 $1.04
    (In stock)

    Whether you are building an elite custom drivetrain or a championship manipulator, you need your components to stay where they're supposed to. These lightweight spacers come in 3/8" and 1/2" hex bores to accommodate the most common shaft types. If you need to space a lot grab some 1" spacers. If you need ultimate precision pick up some 0.063" spacers. Not sure which spacers you need? Keep a handful of all six sizes in your shop and never go hungry for spacers again! These spacers are molded in black polycarbonate, a tough, crack resistant material that FIRST teams are familiar with. These spacers should resist stress cracking. If polycarbonate isn't rugged enough for your high load application or you need custom length spacers, check out our Aluminum Hex Spacer Extrusion.

    Hex Molded Spacers 3/8 inch Hex, 0.5 inch length

    $0.92 $1.04
    (In stock)

    Whether you are building an elite custom drivetrain or a championship manipulator, you need your components to stay where they're supposed to. These lightweight spacers come in 3/8" and 1/2" hex bores to accommodate the most common shaft types. If you need to space a lot grab some 1" spacers. If you need ultimate precision pick up some 0.063" spacers. Not sure which spacers you need? Keep a handful of all six sizes in your shop and never go hungry for spacers again! These spacers are molded in black polycarbonate, a tough, crack resistant material that FIRST teams are familiar with. These spacers should resist stress cracking. If polycarbonate isn't rugged enough for your high load application or you need custom length spacers, check out our Aluminum Hex Spacer Extrusion.

    Hex Molded Spacers 3/8 inch Hex, 1 inch length

    $0.99 $1.04
    (In stock)

    Whether you are building an elite custom drivetrain or a championship manipulator, you need your components to stay where they're supposed to. These lightweight spacers come in 3/8" and 1/2" hex bores to accommodate the most common shaft types. If you need to space a lot grab some 1" spacers. If you need ultimate precision pick up some 0.063" spacers. Not sure which spacers you need? Keep a handful of all six sizes in your shop and never go hungry for spacers again! These spacers are molded in black polycarbonate, a tough, crack resistant material that FIRST teams are familiar with. These spacers should resist stress cracking. If polycarbonate isn't rugged enough for your high load application or you need custom length spacers, check out our Aluminum Hex Spacer Extrusion.