Seeing a need for a cutting fluid that would not cause harmful health effects, LubeCorp set out on a journey which led to the creation of GreenCut Cutting Fluid.
GreenCut packs top notch cutting ability and remains completely safe!
GreenCut provides exceptional lubrication, burnishing and cooling of the work piece.
GreenCut does this by having full access to the seizure zone on the tool rake-face where all the cutting action takes place, preventing metal-to-metal contact.
Friction plane heat is drastically reduced by the extraordinary lubrication qualities of the GreenCut Cutting/Misting Fluid.
LubeCorp GreenCut mix ratio: 20:1 with water (20 parts water to 1 part GreenCut).
Machining all metals:
The TTS-R8 Adaptor Collet is an R8 collet with modified length that allows for mounting of all TTS tool holders in R8 taper spindles