1 inch wide, 10 foot long length of black 3 ply neoprene rubber tread. This tread is the same as 5994K1 but is already cut to a convenient 1 inch width. Nominal thickness is .30 inches. Weight of a spool is 1.13 lbs
Note: Molded plastic cases have begun shipping with all encoder orders!
The Thrifty Absolute Magnetic Encoder was designed to provide teams a lower cost option for absolute position sensing. Simply plug the included 3-wire PWM style cable into your controller of choice and read the included magnet's absolute position. This device can connect directly to the RoboRIO as well as the REV Spark Max or CTRE Talon SRX.
Encoder Revision Updates Include -
This product includes two 1.25 inch long half inch hex couplers. This product has been verified to clamp all the various standards of 1/2" hex, rounded hex and AM churro with significant clamping force.
Affordable and durable 2 inch squish wheels are now available. These wheels are commonly used by competitive robotics teams to move game pieces throughout their robot.
These wheels ship in packs of 10 for $3 per wheel and feature:
Tired of hex clamp collars that cost an arm and a leg? Tired of stripping out the set screw on your clamp collar? Need to add a collar in an assembly and don't want to remove everything from your hex shaft?
Me too! I've ran into all of the above scenarios multiple times building multiple robots. These collars are the holy grail -
General Dimensions:
Half inch hex hubs are often used to transfer motion between components in competition robots. This hub includes a thicker quarter inch flange that allows for tapping 10-24 / 10-32 holes or drilling and tapping to 1/4-20 sized holes. The Thrifty Hub is offered as a blank hex hub to teams to do further machining or leave stock as-is.
This is the game piece for the 2024 FIRST® Robotics Competition CRESCENDO℠ presented by Haas. It has a 14 in. OD and a 10 in. ID and is rather squishy / flexible. There are 113 total Notes on a field, 6 of which are “High Notes” that have white Gaff Tape (not included) applied as specified in the Game Manual. The breakdown is:
For optimal shipping efficiency please know that Notes ship from the manufacturer in boxes of 24 (but can be ordered in any quantity).
Use this 1 inch long adapter to directly drive 1/2" hex products from a spline shaft motor. Sold in packs of 4.
Includes rounded edges allowing it to interface with 13.75mm ID bearings or 1/2" ID hex bearings.
Made from 4140 Steel.
Weight: .041 lbs
STEP CAD File Available
Affordable and durable 4 inch squish wheels are now available. These wheels are commonly used by competitive robotics teams to move game pieces throughout their robot.
These wheels ship in packs of 4 for $7.50 per wheel and feature -
The Thrifty Bushing is a nylon bushing that works with 13.75 mm diameter style hex shaft. This bushing is recommended for low-load applications and will allow you to package mechanisms into even smaller form factors. Thriftybot recommends greasing bushings prior to use.